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BBS: Re: Window Scrolling - June 29, 1998 at 03:32:15

You are here: irt.org | BBS | Re: Window Scrolling [This BBS is closed]

Posted by Martin Webb on June 29, 1998 at 03:32:15:

In Reply to: Window Scrolling posted by Urvish Amin on June 26, 1998 at 14:40:00:

: I want to scroll window upto previous position

: means first i want to get previous position
: and then i repaint the window then i want to scroll upto previous position.

: For scrolling I Know scroll method
: But
: for getting previous position i dont know how to get it

: Pl.
: Guide me

I'm not sure how you are going to achieve this. You'll probably need to store the current location before leaving to the new location. You'll not be able to create a cross browser/version solution as its not possible to get the current location in all browsers/versions.

Check out the section in the Netscape JavaScript Reference on the onClick event handler:


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