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BBS: Need help with DHTML layers - August 14, 1998 at 12:21:26

You are here: irt.org | BBS | Need help with DHTML layers [This BBS is closed]

Posted by Yvan Gagnon on August 14, 1998 at 12:21:26:

I've encountered a very strange problem with a page on my site
(currently unpublished) where the use of layers (DHTML) is
screwing up my margin settings on all of my other pages.

For example,..when I go to the page that uses the layers, and
click on some of the links which hide and show the various
layers, sometimes --- and only sometimes --- all of the pages
I go to thereafter have screwy margin settings, and it messes
up the careful placement and alignment of all my text and

I've tried various different combinations in regards to the order
in which I click the links, trying to see if I can isolate the
specific problem with the coding, but it seems to be random.
Are there any certain issues I should be aware of when using
layers that are within windows of frames-based sites?
(my site is in frames.) I spent a great deal of time creating this
effect, and need to de-bug it before it goes live. Think anyone
here could help me out? Or maybe give me some pointers?

-- yvan

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