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Core Team Profiles - Ryan Detert

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San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA

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Articles By Ryan Detert:

204. Sunday 13th February 2000 - Drag and Drop with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5
As we have already seen in previous articles, scripting events can add a needed flair to your web pages without the hassle of using a plug-in. In this article, Ryan Detert will introduce you to you some of the brand-new Internet Explorer 5.0 specific drag-and-drop events.

Drag and Drop, Internet Explorer 5.0, Event handlers, target and source events, ondragstart, ondrag, ondragenter, ondragover, ondrop, ondragleave, ondragend, clearData(), effectAllowed, dropEffect, setData(), getData()
196. Sunday 12th December 1999 - Man-Handling Events #3
Ryan Detert continues the series on events and event handlers in both Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. This time covering the mouse events

Events, Event Handlers, onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmousemove, onmouseover, onmouseout
195. Sunday 5th December 1999 - Man-Handling Events #2
Netscape Communicator and Microsoft Internet Explorer offer an incredible amount of versatility. Events, their handlers in particular, have given web pages a more robust, interactive environment. In this article Ryan Detert explores event handlers available since JavaScript 1.2 it has been possible to capture and even cancel key presses.

Events, Event Handlers, Capturing a Key Press, Cancelling a Key Press, onKeyDown, onKeyUp, onKeyPress
194. Sunday 28th November 1999 - MetaFlash: A New Take on 3D
Ryan Detert goes a little bit crazy! See him in 3D color with the help of MetaCreation and Intel with the new MetaFlash 3D camera

MetaFlash 3D Camera, MetaCreation, Intel, Hardware, 3D, Pictures, Web
191. Sunday 7th November 1999 - Internet Explorer As A Development Platform?
Internet Explorer has evolved a significant amount since its version 3.0 was introduced a few years back. Dynamic HTML is equipped with its own hierarchy, programming languages, you name it. You can almost run your computer with it. Now what if we took the DHTML in IE and used it to re-create IE. Is this possible? Of course it is. Ryan Detert shows how using the new HTML Applications (HTA's) that Internet Explorer 5.0 now supports.

HTML Applications, HTA, ID, applicationName, border, borderStyle, caption, icon, maximizeButton, minimizeButton, showInTaskBar, singleInstance, sysMenu, version, windowState, commandLine Method, HTA Web Browser, DHTML, JScript
189. Monday 25th October 1999 - Man-Handling Events #1
The latest versions of Netscape Communicator and Microsoft Internet Explorer offer an incredible amount of versatility to the programmer compared to the browsers of yore. Events, their handlers in particular, have given web pages a more robust, interactive environment. Explorer's latest version, 5.0, is the best equipped with event handlers, as you may handle any event from printing to pasting. In this article Ryan Detert explores events in both Netscape Communicator 4.0 and Explorer 4.0+

Events, Event Handlers, event bubbling, releaseEvents(), routeEvent(), handleEvent(), enableExternalCapture(), disableExternalCapture()
183. Sunday 12th September 1999 - JavaScripting Essentials
Ryan Detert runs through the fundamentals of JavaScript.

Global and local variables, Arrays, for loops, the Trinary Operator, Modulus, document.write(), Casting, Precedence, images
181. Tuesday 31st August 1999 - un-Gratuitous Gradients
Have you ever been to a site where words or sentences are composed of what appear to be two blended colors? Ever wondered how on earth to do it without using a fancy program or wracking your brain trying to figure out which letter should be what color to generate a nice blend in straight HTML coding? Well in this tutorial Ryan Detert plays around with some of the more advanced features that JavaScript offers, as well as some advanced techniques in order to get a nice shading effect.

JavaScript, text, font, color, gradients, Gourad shading, hexidecimal numbers
178. Monday 9th August 1999 - The Amazing ActiveX - Part 1
ActiveX is Microsoft's patented Windows technology that allows you to load a type of applet into your web browser. These applets are very much the same as Java Applets and can add an incredible amount of dynamics to your web page - By Ryan Detert.

OLE, ActiveX, ActiveX Components, OBJECT, PARAM, VBScript
165. Saturday 12th June 1999 - Browser Redirection using VBScript
This article, by Ryan Detert, will show you how to detect client-side browser versions and redirect the client to a web page that is best supported by their browser. And of course, all of this will be done using Microsoft's VBScript

Visual Basic Scripting, VBScript, capturing key presses, capturing mouse coordinates, Chr(), UCase(), event, keycode, XOR, offsetX, offsetY, x, y, onClick, onMouseMove, onKeyPress
162. Sunday 16th May 1999 - String Gradients the Fun Way!
Have you ever been to a site where words or sentences are composed of what appear to be two blended colors? Ever wondered how on earth to do it without using a fancy program or wracking your brain trying to figure out which letter should be what color to generate a nice blend in straight HTML coding? Well in this tutorial Ryan Detert plays around with some of the more advanced features that JavaScript offers, as well as some advanced techniques in order to get a nice shading effect.

JavaScript, text, font, color, gradients, Gourad shading, hexidecimal numbers
161. Monday 10th May 1999 - Rattling Keys and Chasing Mice With VBScript
Ryan Detert describes how to use VBScript to capture key presses and mouse button clicks events

Visual Basic Scripting, VBScript, capturuing key presses, capturing mouse coordinates, Chr(), UCase(), event, keycode, XOR, offsetX, offsetY, x, y, onClick, onMouseMove, onKeyPress
153. Monday 15th March 1999 - "The Light Fantastic"
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 offers a powerful line of DHTML commands and functions. We previously covered many of the Visual Filter effects in our article, Testing IE4's Visual Filters. This time we return to the one main Visual Filter that we left out: Lights.

Microsoft Internet Explorer, filters, multimedia, lights, visual effects,AddCone, AddPoint, ChangeColor, ChangeStrength, Clear, MoveLight
139. Thursday 17th December 1998 - Multimedia in Microsoft Internet Explorer
Using DHTML, and specific to Windows users, Internet Explorer 4.0 offers developers access to a variety of filters that can be applied to images and text.

Multimedia in Microsoft Internet Explorer, Visual Filters, Cascading Style Sheets, JavaScript, Alpha, Blur, Chroma, Drop Shadow, Flip Horizontal, Flip Vertical, Glow, Gray, Invert, Mask, Shadow, Wave, Xray, Transition Filters, Blend, Reveal, Page Transition Filters

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