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Q2051 Can I have a scroll bar within a table cell?

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As Ruth points out:

You can do it if you use an iframe within a cell of a table.

The following is supported in Internet Explorer 4+ and Netscape Navigator 6+:

<table border="1">
<iframe src="a.html" width="100" height="100"></iframe>

The following was submitted by Sunil Kumar Pal p> Yes you can have scroll bar in a table cell. Go through the following code:



<title>table with scroll</title>

<style type="text/css"><!--
  text-align : left;
  padding : 5px;
  width : 100%;
  height : 4em;
  overflow: auto;



<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="1">
      <th>stuff in the thead</th>
      <th>stuff in the tfoot</th>
      <div>scroll stuff in the tbody<br>
      scroll stuff in the tbody<br>
      scroll stuff in the tbody<br>
      scroll stuff in the tbody<br>
      scroll stuff in the tbody<br>
      scroll stuff in the tbody<br>
      scroll stuff in the tbody<br>
      scroll stuff in the tbody<br>
      scroll stuff in the tbody<br>
      scroll stuff in the tbody<br>
      scroll stuff in the tbody<br>

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©2018 Martin Webb